HEAL – HorseHand Equine Assisted Learning

Recent studies conducted by the Institute of Heart-Math provide a clue to explain the two-way ′′ healing ′′ that occurs when we’re close to a HorseHand Horse.

According to researchers, the heart has an electromagnetic field larger than the brain: a magnetometer can measure the energy field of the heart that radiates from 2.4 meters to 3 meters around the human body. While this is certainly significant, perhaps more impressive than the electromagnetic field projected by the heart of a horse is five times larger than that of a human being (imagine an electromagnetic sphere around the horse) and it can influence straight into our own heart rate.

Horses are also likely to have what science has identified as a ′′ coherent ′′ heart rate (heart rate pattern) that explains why we can ′′ feel better ′′ when we’re close to them.

Studies have found a coherent heart pattern or HRV to be a solid measure of well-being and consistent with emotional states of calm and joy- that is, we exhibit such patterns when we feel positive emotions.

A coherent heart pattern is indicative of a system that can recover and adapt to stressful situations very efficiently. Many times, we just need to be in the presence of horses to feel a sense of well-being and peace. In fact, research shows that people experience many physiological benefits by interacting with horses, including lower blood pressure and heart rate, higher beta-endorphins (neurotransmitters acting as pain suppressors), decreased stress levels, decreased feelings of anger, hostility, tension, and anxiety, better social working; and greater feelings of empowerment, confidence, patience, and self-efficacy “.

Horses are one of the most popular animals used for therapy. This is because, horses have the ability to respond immediately and give feedback to the handlers action or behavior. Horses are also able to mirror the rider’s emotion.

The basis of the therapy is in developing a relationship with the horse. Horses emotional, social, and responsive behaviour is similarly to human beings. It is a natural process to establish connection with the horse.

Therapeutic benefits of HorseHand Equine Assisted Learning

People with cognitive, phycho-motor, and behavioral disabilities as well as emotional trauma have shown positive results when our horsemanship methods are taught correctly by our trained and experienced HEAL Practitioners. HorseHand Equine Assisted Learning helps children and adults to connect to their authentic self and nurture their mental, emotional and physical well-being. Unlike many other therapies that concentrate directly on the so-called problem HEAL takes a whole approach to learning and will cover all aspects of our being. The Heal program takes an indirect approach to learning and self-awareness and is a natural process in bringing out the best in the person participating. HorseHand has been assisting people for over 10 years to become better versions of themselves, improving their confidence, emotional intelligence, personal responsibility and overall well-being.


Ancient Greek literature mentioned the use of horse-back riding as therapy back in 600 Bc. French physician Cassaign concluded in 1875 that equine therapy helped certain neurological disorders and noted the therapeutic benefit of horse riding. In Scandinavia, during the outbreak of poliomyelitis in 1946, equestrian therapy was introduced.

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