Sixth Sense Horsemanship

HorseHand® has developed a course that allows you to become more confident, focused and connected around your horse. HorseHand provides ‘hands on’ training which will help you to find harmony with your horse. We offer a partime course (1/2  day a week for 4 weeks) each of the 4 days builds on the last.  With a week in between classes gives you time to practice or just a chance to absorb the new information you have acquired. 

Each new day starts with communication on the ground. The ground exercises will help to develop clear understanding between you and your horse. As well as working on the physical aspects of this foundation training we will be improving emotional fitness in both horse and handler, coordination in the partnership, respect and leadership in you.   We then move into the saddle and develop these new skills further. You will be truly amazed at the changes in you and your horse.   We recommend this course to – 1) People who own a horse and have trouble getting the horse to do what they want. (Feel like they have little influence and control). 2) People that have lost their confidence with horses and want to get it back. 3) People who own a horse and want to find out what they didn’t know! 4) Parents who have children that own horses or want to buy a horse. 5)People who would like to discover the personal power within themselves ….????? We can supply you a horse and equipment if needed.

When asked about what they have learned in a series 1 clinic participants responded: “To relax, listen to my horses feelings, look for improvements and reward straight away” (Sharon Schwarz) “Energy control, understanding of horse behaviour, leadership, how to work with the horse to achieve desired results” (Karen McDonald) “To try and think outside the square . . . try and relax, read and work with the horse and not try and fight them. Mind, body and spirit flows onto the horse too.” (Tina Keene and Tayla)) “I learnt to regain my confidence with horses and to bond with a horse by feel and suggestion. The most I learnt was there is a different way to relate with a horse through natural horsemanship” (Lisa Sawyer) “I learnt how to really connect with the horse and ask it to do things by way of suggestion rather than bossing the horse. I also learnt how to use my energy although I still have a lot to learn” (Louise Weir)

When asked about what they enjoyed about the series 1 clinic participants responded: “Seeing the improvement in me and the huge improvement in Marty” (Sharon Schwarz) “Developing closer bond and respect with Hurrit. (Work in progress). Developing horsemanship skills” (Karen McDonald) “All participants think the same way. Jodie’s patience is amazing. The variations in the places we train eg. The different arenas etc” (Tina Keene (and Tayla)) “That I learnt more about myself and my strengths through using energy and connecting with Chief using that” (Lisa Sawyer) “I really wanted to increase my confidence with horses and this has been achieved and that’s what I have really enjoyed, plus the sense of achievement” (Louise Weir)

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